Star Wars Obsessed

Opening logo to the Star Wars films

Image via Wikipedia

My five year old son has a problem.  He has  a serious Star Wars addiction.  Now in the interest of full disclosure, I have a great love for Star Wars myself.  I love watching him enjoy the movies and the games.  I love listening to him talk about the virtues of using a lightsaber over a blaster.  I even love the repetitive statements declaring how awesome the Jedi are.  Its a blast sharing this thing with my son.  It gives us this cool thing that we share in common that serves to build and the father son bonds of affection.  Admittedly, I am grateful to have something in my life like this with my son.

I remember when I was a kid I was really into baseball cards for awhile.  I collected any card I could get my hands on.  Eventually my dad took notice and it became a hobby that we shared.  While sometimes I wondered if it wasn’t his hobby more than mine, I still took comfort in the fact that my dad wanted to do something with me.  He loved me and wanted to connect with me.  I still cherish those times together when we would get a pack of cards and open them with anxious anticipation hoping there would be a rare find in the pack. Most of the time there wasn’t anything special in the pack…it was the time together that meant the most.  I am glad that I have that with my son.

Thanks George Lucas.  Honestly, I never thought I would utter that sentence after seeing the prequels, but it seems appropriate now.  Thanks for creating something both my son and I love.


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